  • Confirmed Purchase Orders with Shipping Instructions are required for all orders prior to manufacturing.
  • The minimum order amount from CANWAY is $ 300.00.
  • Products may not be exactly as shown in the catalogue or product brochure.
Freight Policy:
  • All shipments are F.O.B. CANWAY Equipment Mfg. Inc., Hamilton, ON.
  • Cash, Certified Cheque, Credit Card, EFT or e-transfer (Balance Due Net 30 days on Approved Credit)
  • All applicable taxes are extra.
  • CANWAY reserves the right to withhold shipment on any Overdue Account.
  • For custom orders more than $5,000.00 a deposit of 25% of the total order is required, prior to being placed into the production queue. A further 25% deposit is required to release the shipment. Standard terms apply to the balance.
Returned Goods:
  • Factory stock items may only be returned with an RGA # (Return Goods Authorization number) issued by a Canway customer service representative.
  • For defective / damaged products, send digital image to assess next steps and to expedite issuing an RGA #.
  • The RGA # must be attached to the product.
  • 20% Restocking Charge applies on all Returned Goods
  • All non-stock standard products are not returnable. See Price list for factory stock items.
  • Custom Products are not returnable.


CANWAY EQUIPMENT MFG. INC. (hereinafter "Company") warrants that its products sold under the "Canway" trade name in Canada are free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service.

This warranty does not cover defects or damage arising from improper installation, lack of or improper maintenance, improper storage, shipping and handling, ordinary wear and tear, misuse, abuse, accident or unauthorized service.

We expect that our Customer will inspect the products upon receipt. If damage has resulted from shipment, the Customer's only remedy is by making claim against the Carrier. The only liability of the Company, whether in tort, or in contract under this warranty, shall be limited to the repair or replacement of any product or component which shall prove defective as covered by this warranty, within six (6) months after delivery to the original purchaser from the Company. The Company will not pay for the cost of repair performed other than in accordance with this warranty.

Written notice of a product or component believed to be defective as covered by this warranty should be sent to the Company, Customer Service Department.

Notice should include your name and address, an identification of the product or component, with proof of purchase and a brief description of the defect. Upon receipt of such notice, the Company will contact you as to where to ship such product or component (shipping charges prepaid) for examination and, in the event such examination reveals a defect covered by this warranty, the product will be repaired or replaced.

This warranty is in lieu of all other express or implied warranties. Under no circumstances shall Canway be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including, without limitation, lost profits, loss of income, loss of business opportunity, and other losses or expenses.